Application Form for
Resume Submission


  •  Take the printout of this form and send it alongwith your DD and Hard Copy (Print) of your resume. If you are sending money by Money Order, enclose this Form and Resume in an envelope and send separately. For amount, address and other details, visit

  • Please fill all the entries in legible handwriting.


 Ac. No. ______ INF:__
 Status: ____________
 RoW:__ CD: __ PMT:__

Name (in CAPITAL) __________________________________________________________________
Qualification(s) __________________________________________________________________
Email (Primary) __________________________________________________________________
Email (secondary) __________________________________________________________________
Postal Address __________________________________________________________________



Please fill the following by ticking the appropriate check box.

1. You are currently:   Employed in: _______________________    Unemployed

2. Where did you hear about us ?

Our Website Our Email Advertisement
Our Ad in HT/T. of India/Dainik Bhaskar Friend________________________

Payment Options

You are sending amount by Money Order / Demand Draft.

Money Order Details:
Amount: Rs. _______ Date: ____________

Demand Draft Details:
Amount: Rs. _______ Dated: ____________ Bank: __________________

Declaration: I hereby declare that the resume being sent by me is my own and the information provided in it is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date: ____________ Name: ____________________ Signature: ________________